Greenland Ice Sheet melts completely in 20 years.

It's common knowledge that our planet's in trouble. The Earth is an organic organism, and we must address the problems like a doctor. There will be a diagnosis and some suggested therapy. The recommended treatment will be unpalatable to many. The severity of the problem Humans face cannot be repeated too often.. The planet is under serious threat, and it's due to us. We must implement serious cures to forestall the inevitable. It may already be too late. Temperature rise may seem to be progressing at a leisurely pace, and it doesn't appear imminent today according to some forecasters. They are wrong. Past history suggests catastrophic change has occurred before and is likely to happen again. The result was the mass extinction of species. This will happen in our lifetimes. Compare the state of the Earth as it is now to what it was when the average temperature was 8 degrees  colder. That was the last Ice Age. Contemplate what the world will be like when it is 8 degrees warmer. These do not sound like a big difference, but on a global scale such temperature changes make huge differences. We are on our way to a desertification of vast areas of currently habitable land. Not to mention a loss of many major cities that are near the ocean. When the Greenland Ice Cap dissolves into the North Atlantic sea levels will rise around the planet by an estimated 20 feet. This is already starting to happen, and I think it will take less than 20 years for it to melt completely. The loss of the Arctic ice is accelerating this as most of the satellite data shows. We don't have very long, and there is little that can be done now to reverse it.
Large melt pool forming on Greenlands Ice Sheet
Large melt pool forming on Greenlands Ice Sheet
 The Earth is suffering from a fever. Its atmospheric and oceanic temperatures are rising. The infecting agent is a complex organism and it is spreading rapidly. It is us. Humans have been cutting down forests and turning them into farms. We are pouring massive amounts of pollution into the Oceans. We are spewing billions on tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. We have killed off almost all of the fish in the sea, and although we declare this is necessary to our survival, the changes have disrupted the Earth's fine balance of land, sea and air. 
Fractures forming on Glaciers in Greenland
Fractures forming on Glaciers in Greenland